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Communication Challenges: Vision, Hearing and Speech

With advancing age, communication challenges are very common among older adults. Taking this course will help you understand the vision, hearing and speech impairment among older adults. The related strategies in facilitating their daily lives and the communication tips will be discussed.

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1. Communication challenges at old age

2. Understanding speech and language disorders in older adults

3. Aphasia and Dysarthria

4. Vision impairment with ageing

5. Wearing a mask can cause dry eyes

6.1. Vision problems - Common eye diseases in older adults

6.2. Cataract - Common eye diseases in older adults

6.3. Glaucoma - Common eye diseases in older adults

6.4. Macular degeneration - Common eye diseases in older adults

7. Eye protection tips for older adults

8. How to clean your eyelid

9.1. Hearing impairment with ageing

9.2. What is hearing loss?

10. Degree of Hearing Loss

11. Ways for improving hearing in older adults

12. Skills for communicating with older adults with dementia

13. Skills for communicating with frail older adults in residential care homes

14. Communication tips for caregivers

15. Communication strategies for older adults with hearing impairment

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